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  1. Giulia Giudicatti

4 risultati per Giulia Giudicatti

Lettere - 30/03/2022

Can we trust trials with such features?

Possiamo fidarci di studi clinici con queste caratteristiche?
Alberto Donzelli, giulia giudicatti, Donatella Sghedoni
On 2 January 2020, the New England Journal of Medicine published an article by Amarenco et al. entitled ‘A Comparison of Two LDL Cholesterol Targets after Ischemic Stroke’.1It is a parallel-group trial made in France and South Korea. The Authors “randomly assigned patients with ischemic stroke in the previous 3 months or a transient ischemic attack (TIA) within the previous 15 days to a target LDL cholesterol level of less than 70 mg per deciliter (lower-target group) or to a t…
Lettere - 11/02/2021

Glimepiride not inferior to linagliptin? No, even superior from a public health perspective

Glimepiride non inferiore al linagliptin? No, persino superiore dal punto di vista della sanità pubblica
Alberto Donzelli, giulia giudicatti, Giulio Mariani
In issue 42 of Diabetes Care released on December 2019, Matthew C. Riddle wrote the article “A Verdict for Glimepiride: Effective and Not Guilty of Cardiovascular Harm”.1 Riddle points out that the cardiovascular safety of sulfonylureas has been debated for nearly 50 years. He notes that, now, two convincing comparisons showed the former “neither an increase nor a decrease of risk with linagliptin versus placebo”, the second “the lack of excess cardiovascular risk w…